All Josephine Langford Movies in order From 2016 Till Now


Josephine Langford Movies

Josephine Langford has quickly become one of the stars of the Hollywood film industry in recent years, but she is more than an actress; she’s an engaging storyteller. Join us as we travel through Josephine Langford movies; discover her many roles, and what magic she brings to film!

MovieRelease DateDurationBudgetBox OfficeWhere to Watch
Wolf CreekMay 6, 201694 min$1.5 million$25.5 millionHulu
Into the DarkOctober 12, 201890 min$1 million$1.5 millionHulu
AfterApril 12, 2019105 min$14 million$69.5 millionNetflix
After We CollidedOctober 23, 2020105 min$14 million$48.2 millionNetflix
MoxieMarch 3, 2021107 min$10 million$1.5 millionNetflix
After Ever HappySeptember 7, 2022105 min$14 million$48.2 millionNetflix
After EverythingAugust 4, 2023105 min$10 million$1.5 millionNetflix
The Other ZoeyOctober 6, 2023105 min$10 million$1.5 millionNetflix
Josephine Langford movies
Josephine Langford Movies

Wolf Creek (2016)

Imagine traveling through the Australian outback with your boyfriend and best friend and experiencing all Australia offers. However, all is going well until you encounter a strange man who seems intent on following you; eventually, it turns out he is a serial killer with your life on his agenda.

Eve Thorogood (Lucy Fry), in the 2016 Australian TV series Wolf Creek, narrowly escapes being murdered by serial killer Mick Taylor (John Jarratt) but remains determined to exact revenge against him.

Eve meets Emma Webber (Josephine Langford), a young Australian woman simply trying to live her life. At first wary of Eve, Emma eventually trusts her and assists Eve in her search for justice.

Langford gives an outstanding and nuanced performance as Emma. She captures her character’s vulnerability, strength, and determination beautifully; Emma is an intricate character, and Langford brings it vividly to life.

Wolf Creek is an intense and suspenseful series that delves deep into violence, revenge, and justice themes. While unsuitable for all audiences, Wolf Creek remains thoughtful and well-made – one key reason is Langford’s performance as Emma, who brings Emma alive while remaining believable and sympathetic.

Wolf Creek is an exciting dark drama series starring Josephine Langford that I highly recommend watching. If you enjoy her style of acting, then I know you won’t want to miss this!

Into the Dark (2018)

Imagine yourself dating an actor struggling for recognition who finally received their big break – though the role might be challenging: He will play an evil Christmas creature that haunts a shopping mall! Imagine your reaction when this news was brought to you as part of their relationship!

At first, you support his career, but you become increasingly concerned as he begins to lose himself in the role. He’s acting differently and becoming increasingly isolated.

Josephine Langford stars as Laurie McConnell in the 2018 Hulu anthology series “Into the Dark,” episode “Pooka!”. Laurie is a complex and well-developed character; she’s intelligent, compassionate, and fiercely loyal to her boyfriend despite beginning to suspect he might be overstepping his bounds. However, Laurie begins to recognize signs that her love may have gone too far and starts becoming concerned that things might escalate out of control quickly.

Langford gives a superbly nuanced and convincing performance as Laurie. She adeptly conveys her character’s intelligence, worries, and mounting fears with honesty and depth. Langford shares fantastic chemistry with Nyasha Hatendi, who plays Chris; their romance provides one of the episode’s most intriguing subplots.

Into the Dark: Pooka! is an intense and suspenseful episode that explores themes such as obsession, identity and fame. Langford’s performance as Laurie makes this episode memorable; her naturalistic portrayal brings Laurie’s life and persona alive while remaining sympathetic and believable.

If you’re in search of an emotionally powerful film starring Josephine Langford as its leading lady, look no further than Into the Dark: Pooka! Your experience won’t disappoint!

After (2019)

Imagine you’re a first-year college student eager to begin this new chapter in your life. Imagine meeting an impressive-looking guy who meets all your criteria – tall, dark, and handsome but with something sinister hidden underneath his exterior – something dangerous and mysterious about them that draws your eye.

After chronicling the story of Tessa Young, although she’s generally considered good, she finds herself drawn to Hardin Scott despite knowing he has a past filled with darkness. Although Tessa knows better, she finds herself drawn towards Hardin nonetheless; she can’t seem to break free of him and finds herself becoming addicted.

Josephine Langford delivers an emotionally honest performance as Tessa, perfectly embodying her innocence, strength, and resilience. Langford has excellent chemistry with Hero Fiennes Tiffin, who plays Hardin.

The After film series is an unconventional romance tale, yet one with universal appeal. It explores two people with deep-seated flaws who find each other irrevocably romantic, making mistakes, learning from them, and ultimately growing together into adulthood.

I recommend the After Film series as a compelling love story that blends reality with passion. As Tessa Young, Josephine Langford stands out as an actress who can bring characters alive through honesty and vulnerability.

After We Collided (2020)

Imagine being in a relationship with someone you love more than anything, yet also one who can cause great hurt; they push you away, lie to you, and break your heart – yet somehow you still love them deeply.

After We Collided is Tessa Young’s tale. Still deeply in love with Hardin Scott, their relationship has only grown more toxic over time due to his internal demons coming to bear and taking them out on Tessa.

Josephine Langford delivers an emotionally powerful performance as Tessa, perfectly embodying her character’s strength, vulnerability, and profound devotion to Hardin. Additionally, Josephine shares excellent chemistry with Hero Fiennes Tiffin, who plays Hardin.

After We Collided is a captivating film that delves deep into themes of love, loss, and forgiveness – something it will continue to do long after you’ve watched it.

Those who have ever experienced toxic relationships will relate to Tessa’s story in After We Collided. Hers is a tale about love’s power and self-respect; Langford brings Tessa alive in such an endearing and heartbreaking fashion that it makes it impossible not to connect.

Moxie (2021)

Imagine being an introverted and shy teenager, not one to make waves in class or make a scene; however, your sense of justice runs deep, and you possess many skillsets and abilities that go well beyond basic IQ tests.

Vivian Carter, the star of the 2021 Netflix film Moxie. Josephine Langford plays Vivian brilliantly. She delivers an inspiring and moving performance as Vivian Carter.

Vivian’s life is turned on its head when she meets Lucy (Hadley Robinson). After Lucy introduces Vivian to feminism and activism, Vivian finds herself inspired. Inspired, she anonymously publishes Moxie magazine at her high school to expose any instances of sexism or misogyny she finds within.

Moxie quickly goes viral, sparking a revolution within her school as students begin standing up for themselves and demanding change. Vivian discovers her voice and power – and inspires others to do the same.

Langford’s performance as Vivian is what sets Moxie apart. She brings Vivian to life in a believable and inspiring manner; we can see her shyness yet determination through her eyes and witness her development throughout the film.

Moxie is a timely and essential film touching upon themes of feminism, sexism, and misogyny while telling an inspiring tale of finding your voice and speaking out for what matters to you. I highly recommend watching Moxie!

After Ever Happy (2022)

Imagine being in love with someone who is simultaneously your closest confidante, your soulmate, and your worst enemy. They make you laugh the hardest but also cause tremendous hurtful emotional anguish.

Tessa Young (Josephine Langford) and Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin), the protagonists in the 2022 romantic drama film After Ever Happy, share an unbreakable bond that spans all four films in this series – it is truly unforgettable.

In After Ever Happy, Tessa and Hardin must confront their pasts and the truth behind their families. Furthermore, they must assess whether they can unite and build a future together despite differences.

Langford delivers an exquisite and powerful performance as Tessa. She perfectly portrays her strength, resilience, and love for Hardin while having fantastic chemistry with Fiennes Tiffin; their relationship is the heart of this film.

After Ever Happy is an enjoyable conclusion to the After Film series. It explores love, loss, and forgiveness – with Langford as Tessa one of its highlights; her performance brings Tessa alive in believable and inspirational ways.

After Ever Happy will certainly deliver if you enjoyed the After film series. With its thrilling plotline and heartbreaking drama, After Ever Happy concludes Tessa and Hardin’s story perfectly.

After Everything (2023)

Josephine Langford will reprise her role of Tessa Young in the 2023 romantic drama film After Everything, the fourth and final installment in the After Film series. Picking up from where Ever Happy left off, Tessa and Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin) attempt to navigate their relationship through adulthood’s challenges together.

Tessa and Hardin must navigate new challenges together as they contemplate career decisions, family obligations, and starting their own family. Furthermore, they must decide if they’re prepared to commit long-term.

Langford shines in After Everything as Tessa. Her portrayal captures Tessa’s growth and maturity and her undying devotion to Hardin. Langford shares excellent chemistry with Fiennes Tiffin; their romance forms the core of this film.

After Everything is an elegant conclusion to the After Film series, this emotional love and commitment film stars Langford’s Tessa as one of its stars; her portrayal is realistic and inspiring.

Although Langford plays a more minor role than in previous movies, her performance remains essential to its success. She skillfully captures Tessa’s journey with grace and maturity, while her chemistry with Fiennes Tiffin cannot be denied.

If you enjoyed the After film series, then After Everything will surely appeal. It provides an appropriate conclusion to Tessa and Hardin’s tale, and Langford is undoubtedly part of what makes it such a memorable viewing experience.

The Other Zoey (2023)

Imagine yourself as an incredible computer science major who doesn’t desire romantic relationships, someone who’s perfectly content being on their own and doesn’t need someone else as their companion.

Your life takes an unexpected twist when the school’s soccer star suffers amnesia and mistakes you for his girlfriend. Soon after that, a love triangle ensues between three very distinct men.

On one hand, there’s Zack, the attractive and popular soccer player who seems like everything you aren’t. He may sometimes seem intimidating and arrogant, yet he is kind and charming.

On the other hand, there’s Miles. A graduate student, Miles shares your intellectual interests. He’s intelligent, funny, and cute all at the same time!

So which man do you choose? Should it be one with attractive looks or one who is intelligent and funny?

Zoey Miller (Josephine Langford) finds herself in this difficult predicament in the 2023 romantic comedy movie The Other Zoey.

Langford delivers an engaging and comic performance as Zoey. She adeptly captures her character’s intelligence, independence, and dry wit and has excellent chemistry with Drew Starkey (Zack) and Archie Renaux (Miles).

The Other Zoey is an enjoyable and charming film exploring love, compatibility, and self-discovery themes. Langford’s portrayal of Zoey makes the movie genuinely entertaining; she brings Zoey’s personality alive in a relatable and aspirational manner.

I highly recommend The Other Zoey as an entertaining and romantic movie. You’ll laugh, be inspired, and maybe even fall in love while watching this film!


Josephine Langford’s story is one of hard work, determination, and dreams come true. From being an upstart actress in Australia to an international star – Josephine’s journey is an inspiring model for many aspiring actors around the globe.

So, watch the trailers above and if you liked it, grab some popcorn and have a great movie night.

Which movies made Josephine Langford a household name?

Josephine gained immense popularity through movies like “After,” “After We Collided,” “The Miracle Season,” “Moxie,” and “Wolf Creek.”

Has Josephine Langford won any awards for her acting?

Josephine’s performances have been celebrated critically, but she’s yet to secure major acting awards.

How can fans stay updated on Josephine Langford’s projects?

Fans can follow Josephine Langford on social media and keep an eye on entertainment news platforms for the latest updates on her projects.

How does Josephine Langford approach her acting roles?

Josephine immerses herself in thorough research and understanding of her characters, aiming for authenticity and emotional resonance in her portrayals.